I guide mavericks and mystics. Witches and weirdos. Soulful leaders and ambitious visionaries all looking to ditch their masks so they can find wholeness, live their liberation, and dive into the rabbithole full of magic & possibilities.

In all my programs you’ll find playful, spiritual, elegant & spellbinding coaching that will have you laughing your way through up-levels, feeling grounded in your power and fully living your liberation. 

I do it with kind eyes and an open heart, of course. 

And you, well you were raised to be a “good girl” and you're feeling life getting too small for you…
it’s time to become the author, liberator and leader of your own life.

In coaching you’ll collapse years of searching for answers and spinning your wheels down into small morsels so you can see yourself clearly, express yourself fully and make the choices in your life you’ve been wanting to. 

I have been masking my true self.
I can do it on my own… but I don’t want to anymore.
I’m sick of the cycle of giving away my power. I want to lead my own life boldly.
I’m done holding back because I’m more afraid than I’ve ever admitted out loud. (Afraid of failing + what others will think).
I am exhausted from over-functioning in my relationships and over-giving at work.
I’m so sick and tired of reading the script of what I “should” do and who I "should" be.
Blaming others and myself has stopped working for me.
I’ve been spinning my wheels and believing there is no time to focus on what makes my heart beat. I know things can change.
I am sick of being bored and disappointed with how life is unfolding.
I often feel “different” but I know I am meant to belong in every room I enter.
I feel called to big things but don’t know how to get there and lean towards feeling like an impostor the moment things get good.
I want to believe new stories that support me and reflect my wholeness.

You're in the right place.


Those of us who were socialized to be “good girls” are programmed and primed to question our worth and look for validation, safety, power and permission outside ourselves. (This is the "Good Girl" spell of being a perpetual damsel in distress who is stuck playing the Queen of the Masquerade).

If you find yourself nodding to the statements below, these coaching services were made for you. 

If you see glimmers of something else… Something more. More expansive. More delicious. More whole. Those moments you wonder if you’re too much for feeling that life is too small, empty, dull, dry, just too damn cookie-cutter for what you truly desire...

These sessions  work on an energetic and physical level– where the root of our protective patterns actually live. They will draw upon the foundations of traditional coaching, NLP, hypnosis, TIME Techniques, EFT, shadow work, and self-inquiry while weaving in magic and  somatic practices that will take our coaching work even deeper. 

This offering is best for folks who desire depth support as they make shifts in their personal life, relationships, business, healing and wellbeing. 

These one-off sessions are laser focused on one issue you desire to work on. These sessions allow you to experience the magic of coaching without the long term commitment. These sessions also go deep into the root of your issue and will provide a rapid transformation. Common issues that are perfect for Elixir sessions are people-pleasing, perfectionism, goal setting, releasing limiting beliefs and negative emotions, and working on confidence.

This offering is best for folks who desire one-off coaching calls with the potential to change the trajectory of their life.

These journeys are for the woman who is ready to step fully into the Unmask Era. She is ready to meet her inner She Wizard. The Depth of the Holographic Universe, the Path of Sovereignty, and Devotion to the Ancient Sacred Magical Ways.

All of these journeys are liberatory magical and accessible for all women, no matter how deep you are in your Path.

“This work will leave you spell bound.”

I had no idea who truly was underneath all of the masks that needed to come out of hiding. It really will transform your life. I can't say that enough.

- P. Wilson

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“For the first time in my life, I see myself clearly and I honestly am in love with who I see staring back at me. ”

It's hard to put into words all of the ways my life has changed since working with Bobbie, but trust me it was worth every cent of the investment!

- A. Baker

02 / 03

“I have found the courage to open myself up again to love and acceptance from myself and others. ”

Bobbie helped me unmask the blend of religious, cultural and familial influences that encouraged me to lock my desire, pleasure and sexuality away behind a wall of fear and disgust and shame .

- L.  Hernandez

03 / 03



Rewrite Our Stories

Self Sovereignty

Live Life — Unmasked

Dive into possibility

Value both Mystical & Practical

For the last decade, I have been supporting folks in freeing themselves from their old programming, rewriting beliefs about themselves they never chose and peeling back the parts of their identity that hinder them from accessing the vast and beautiful truth of who they honestly are.

What Makes Me Different

As a Master Practitioner I have competently mastered multi-modality tools, techniques, and practices. My transformation cauldron is full of a wide range of tools, techniques, and practices for transformation.

My coaching is a multidimensional blend of conscious and subconscious reprogramming; energetic and identity exploration; emotional and spiritual alchemy; and somatic and manifestation proficiency.

I CARE ABOUT Deep lasting change.
 maintaining integrity is important.
WE CARE ABOUT YOUr transformation.

by the numbers

500 +

 Coaching Hours Given

1,000 +

Training Hours


Matchas a day


Clients Satisfied