Sunlight > Blue Light

Matcha, Always

Long Soul Talks

Open the Good Stuff

Pizza is a Health Food

Magic is Everything


is a certified life coach, Master success coach certified Master Practitioner of Hypnosis, Emotional Freedom Techniques, TIME Techniques, and Neurolinguistic Programming.  She is also a skilled facilitator for personal & collective transformation with more than 12 years of international working experience.

In 2018 she founded her business to offer a soulful coaching practice dedicated to helping female leaders, visionaries and creatives worldwide shed the layers of their conditioning and to manifest their highest possibility by reclaiming their authentic power, purpose, pleasure and peace through magic, mysticism, and a dash of mayhem.

I spent all of my childhood and most of my young adult life doing everything right. I was a people pleaser, perfectionist, and chronic overachiever. The only visible sign that something might be wrong was my eating disorder and love of wine.

I was driven by my desire to be liked and respected so I based most of my decisions on how they would make others feel and how they would look. I lost who I was and what I wanted in the process of living someone else’s story about who I should be and what my life should look like.

I was lost under multiple layers of personality traits, roles, and masks. I felt trapped and like I was living in a cage. I tried counseling multiple times, read books, attended workshops, took courses, and studied psychology but nothing filled the void I felt or my longing for more. I was done being the “good girl” and feeling like I was “never enough” and filling the void I felt with Moscato. I was done living someone else’s fairytale of what I should be and what I should want.

The wild, raw + untamed creative part of me that I numbed and suppressed deep in my psyche started to peek through the cracks. Instead of pretending that she didn’t exist, I escaped my confining garden to go find her. I went down into the underworld of my soul to find her and bring her out into the light.

This process didn’t happen overnight. but I learned to hear, trust, and follow my own internal compass over the thoughts and opinions of everyone else. I have come home to the Sumptuous Wild and I want to lead you there too.

My superpower is helping women take their intimacy, life, and leadership both deeper and higher. I also help women who yearn to unmask their true selves and remember their true magic, power, and possibilities.

We're rebels at heart. We desire to remember and reconnect with who we were before the world told us who we should be. 

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We walk our path with one foot firmly planted on this earth and with the other dancing in the skies, awake to both the mystical and the practical.

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We believe in the important role that women play  in rising above accepting the status-quo and giving birth to new paradigms of leading, living and loving. 

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But…(thank Goddess) there is a nagging sensation inside that just won’t stop. A whisper so loud that you cannot ignore it. It’s calling out to you from the depths of your being. And it is calling you to ‘re-member’, to reconnect and to rise.

You have tried to talk yourself out of it. To tell yourself that life is good and that it’s okay to be dissatisfied at times. You have tried to ‘work’ your beliefs, ‘manage’ your stress, to tame your fire and to silence your doubts. You’ve tried it. You did.

You could stay where you are. You could continue to accept a mediocre relationship. You could continue to run and hustle and burn yourself out. You could continue to meet the expectations of those around you while ignoring the longings of your soul. You could choose to close your eyes to the fact that there seems to be an obvious disconnect between what you know you are capable of and the life that is unfolding before your eyes. You could. 


Unmask her invitation

Use this (free) 3-step journal practice and hypnotic meditation to get into a daily routine of embodying your wholeness and living with the power that comes when you belong to yourself.